
Pick Me Up

Great signage by Anthony Burrill and No Days Off. Books and prints from Nobrow.

If we weren't students we would have bought a print from Claire Scully for sure.

More from Claire Scully. Lovely print in the Print Club London room.

Ana checking out more Nobrow.

Really nice illustrations from Natsko Seki.

Nice work by Melvin Galapon.

Nice poster from the print room. Lovely print by Paula Castro.

Rob Ryan had moved his entire studio to Somerset House.

We went to Pick Me Up at Somerset House today and we would really recommend everyone else to go there too (it's on till Monday). Lots of beautiful prints and illustrations, expect to spend a few hours in order to have a proper look at it all. You can buy a lot of prints there, even some specially made for Pick Me Up that are a bit cheaper or you can make your own in the print workshops. Rob Ryan has moved his whole studio there for the fair and it was fascinating to see them create his amazing cut out images.







To pack six years of Londonlife into boxes is proving to be a bit of a challenge. I feel the need to document things, in case they all get lost but also because my next home will probably look very different. /M


We went to see Lina Scheynius' exhibition on Mare Street the other week. Her photography is so beautiful and personal, I wish I could live in her world. I'm hoping that summer travels and growing a longer fringe might be one step closer to that dream...


more colour

Ink and water equals fun. /M


new project = new energy = new colours!

yes! we're on! magazine project on the run. thanks to people who have sent their submissions. new talent changing the way we think. looking forward to it all.



Blue skies all around. /M



A bit of dye can make me smile. Love to put it all inside the washing machine and to see what happens. Yellow time!



I discovered Mike Mills' work through the book Pattern Factory which gives lots of interesting insight into the reality of being a surface designer as well as beautiful visuals

found on flickr via Twin Magazine





Now that the sun is out, we can post black n white.
We like contrast. Don't we?
This was found at FFFFOUND! but doesn't say who's it from.


a bit of black and white psychedelia by Danny Sangra



This is how some graduates of the RCA displayed their magazine at the summer show last year. And they even got Creative Review to publish it! Can it get any better? Seems like Monika magazine is doing just fine. They have their second issue launch on Thursday at Donlon Books.



Street art from Reykjavik via Yvan's visual diary. /M


paris skies


More Anthony Burrill

To keep up /M's post.
If we all believe in it, spring might show it's face.
Come sun, as bold as Anthony Burrill please.

Let the spring come

Anthony Burrill. And we must not forget to go to the Pick Me Up Contemporary Graphic Art Fair. /M
